Bihar Political Update: Amidst ongoing speculation surrounding the government’s floor test in Bihar, the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD)Rabri Devi and Misa Bharti Arrive in Delhi; Court Appearance Set for February 9 is embarking on a dual-fronted strategy.
On one hand, senior party leaders have been directed to intensify attacks against political adversaries. On the other hand, the party, alongside its leaders and workers, has mobilized various organizational cells to disseminate information about the accomplishments achieved in the past 17 months to every household.
Also Read :Rabri Devi and Misa Bharti Arrive in Delhi; Court Appearance Set for February 9
Following directives from RJD chief Lalu Prasad, a meeting convened at the state president level, chaired by Jagdanand Singh, discussed the initiatives spearheaded by Tejashwi Yadav during the coalition government’s tenure over the last 17 months. It was unanimously agreed upon in the meeting to extensively publicize the schemes and programs initiated under Tejashwi Yadav’s leadership.
From district to block levels, party representatives will embark on a grassroots campaign, reaching out to households across blocks and panchayats to provide detailed information on 17 key achievements accomplished under the Grand Alliance government’s stewardship.
RJD to challenge BJP based on these achievements According to insider sources, the party has outlined several pivotal achievements to feature prominently in its campaign, including the creation of government jobs for over four lakh youths, the initiation of financial assistance amounting to Rs 2 lakh for 94.35 lakh impoverished families, and the allocation of Rs 1.20 lakh for housing construction to 35.42 lakh families.
Additionally, the party highlights groundbreaking initiatives such as caste-based census, elevating the reservation limit to 75 percent, granting state employee status to contracted teachers, and substantial improvements in healthcare services, culminating in the restoration of over 1.35 lakh healthcare positions.
Other notable endeavors encompass the establishment of urban drainage systems, the implementation of the “Bring Medal in Sports, Get Job” scheme, and enhancements in the remuneration for various grassroots workers including Vikas Mitra, Tola Sevak, Shiksha Mitra, Anganwadi Sevika, Sahayika, and Panchayat representatives.
The campaign blueprint has been finalized, with RJD leaders poised to embark on district-wide tours following the Assembly’s floor test, presenting comprehensive accounts of the 17-month tenure to the public.